Clients come to RISE either through another agency, the Family Court, NZ Police, or through a self referral where you contact us directly. We hold an initial assessment meeting to identify the service best suited for you.
If you are attending as part of a Family Court or Corrections referral our services are free.
If you are taking up a RISE service voluntarily, money will never be a barrier to receiving help. If it’s possible, we ask you to make a contribution to sessions with a RISE clinician. Costs vary between group programmes and individual programmes. Work and Income may help cover costs.
Referral form
If you are a government or social agency and would like to refer a client to us, please fill out RISE’s external referral form.
Self referrals
Are you or your family seeking support? We offer specialist family violence services to adults, families, youth, and children who have experienced or are experiencing family violence. We also offer services for users of violence who wish to live without violence.
If you would like to request support, fill out the online self referral form.
If this is an emergency please call 111.