For young people aged 11 to 17, we offer support, education programmes, and one-on-one counselling. Learn how to deal with stressful situations and with all relationships in a healthy and safe way. Focus on safety, self-care, and emotional regulation. Understand the effect of violence on yourself and others.
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Under8teen is designed for young people in the youth justice system. It is based on the Oranga Tamariki Community Youth Programmes Service. Aimed at 12-18 year olds who are violent, the purpose is to provide support and education to enhance the safety of the youth and others around the youth.
Programme aims
The primary aims of the programme are to
reduce the level of youth violence toward family members, peers, and the wider community, and
give young people the skills to deal with stressful and frustrating situations in a healthy and non-violent way.
To do this the programme works with the health model Te Whare Tapa Whā from Dr Mason Durie.
The programme is delivered in 10 one-hour individual sessions including an initial assessment. The youth is matched to a suitable clinician and they work together through a process that is strength-based rather than punitive. An integral part of the programme is the involvement of a significant adult to support the young person during and after the course. We work closely with the referring agency to ensure appropriate ongoing support is provided.
Check out case studies and stories about our work with youth.
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Establishing solid connections with youth
Clinicians at RISE who work with youth are seeing an increase in youth anxiety, especially after the COVID pandemic. They find that longer term contact with youth is often the most successful. Read one success story about Taylor and his time at RISE.

Children’s Service
Support for children of any age who have experienced family harm to learn to process trauma, grief, and loss.
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RISE’s Children’s Service is designed to be delivered to family seeking support for children who have been victims of family harm or who have witnessed family harm. The clinician working with the child and family will be comfortable using child-centred language and age-appropriate strategies for forming the relationship crucial to helping the child through this process. Our clinicians have the skills needed to communicate with children in non-verbal ways, such as through art, song, and play.
Children ages 4 to 12 are eligible for this service.
Parent/caregiver involvement
This programme includes the parent/caregiver/guardian in the process. Our clinicians work with the caregiver to increase their awareness and understanding of their child’s needs. Sessions are available for the clinician and the parent to meet separately from the child as well, which is an opportunity for the parent/caregiver to bring concerns to the conversation.
This service consists of one-on-one sessions with the child and some sessions including the child and the parent/caregiver as determined by the clinician. Up to 20 sessions are available initially with up to five further sessions available if approved by RISE. The frequency and length of sessions will be set up to match the aged and maturity of each child. Session structure and content is adapted to meet the child and family’s individual needs.
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MOJ Child Safety Service
For children of any age involved with a protection order. Our specialist team works with the child to focus on their psychological and physical safety as well as family wellbeing.
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RISE’s Child Safety Service, delivered under contract from the Ministry of Justice, is designed specifically for children who have a temporary Protection Order as well as children of applicants for a Protection Order where that order has been made. This programme is designed to comply with the Family Violence Act 2018 where children are eligible for a safety programme whether the child’s parent/caregiver requests it or the child him/herself requests it.
Further eligibility
The programme is for children of any age up through 17 years old. A child who reaches the age of 18 may still continue to be eligible for a RISE safety programme, please ask your RISE clinician about this.
RISE prefers that before a child engages in this safety programme, the protective adult or person representing the child may have completed an individual safety programme with RISE or another accredited agency. This will not preclude a child from engaging with the service on their own. That programme will enhance the adult’s capacity for supporting emotional, psychological, and physical safety for their child.
Programmes for children younger than five years old will be carefully considered on a case-by-case basis and will only be delivered by RISE clinicians familiar with child development.
RISE will ensure that the child is supported and encouraged to tell their own stories in their own time. Therefore, the programme sessions are flexible with regard to the child’s age, maturity, and development through this process. Session structure and content is adapted to meet the individual needs of the child and their whānau. Most of the time the overall length of this programme is at least eight weeks plus an assessment phase.
The safety of a child under a Protection Order is an overriding principle of this programme. The clinician and RISE will take care to protect children from further exposure to conflict and harm.
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Child Protection Policy
RISE is committed to the prevention and early detection of abuse and/or neglect of children and young people. In all interaction with children and their family/whānau we will be guided by the principle that the welfare and interests of the child is the first and paramount consideration.