Family violence death reviews show too little engagement with stopping violence services

Too few of the men who use violence as described in the Family Violence Death Review Committee’s recently published 6th Report, “Men who use violence,” overlap enough with stopping violence programmes. More intensive and longer term interventions must be a priority.

This chord diagram from the 6th Report (page 24) illustrates migration within a system. The size of the ‘pie’ segment represents the number of men who had contact with any of the agencies or organisations named. The width of the ribbons between pie segments represents the number of men who had contact between the agencies. SVP is an acronym for stopping violence programmes.

Our specialist clinicians are highly trained in providing long-term interventions, customised, trauma-based care, and intensive therapies. Too often Police and the justice system are the first and only answer. We know from experience there is a better way.

A colourful circular diagram connecting services that refer to each other.

Long term interventions with youth clients are often the most successful and always rewarding


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