Five year strategic plan now in place

Chess pieces sitting on a board.

Our Board has just completed a strategic planning process that provides focus to our work over the next five years. The result is the SVS Living Safe Strategic Plan 2020-25 and there is both an internal and external focus.

In the past few years, much has changed in the family harm space. Government changes brought fresh funding (from the Wellbeing Budget) and a new initiative (Whānau Resilience) that is leading us into a transition phase in our service delivery.

For clients and partner agencies, we are devoted to increasing whānau wellbeing and enhancing our services. With the launch of at least one new programme, we aim to extend our service delivery, keeping contact with clients over a longer period of time. We will be able to provide a more responsive environment to clients’ needs and, we hope, have more of an impact on their lives.

Internally we are focusing expanding our financial stability as well as ensuring our staff remain highly skilled. As leaders in this field, we continue to be a preferred employer and provide ongoing educational opportunities for those who specialise in family harm. This means constantly encouraging innovation and creativity both in our clinical experiences as well as our programme development and service delivery.

Partnerships remain a constant for us, and our key partnerships are with government agencies and trusts as well as referring agencies and community organisations. As long as we continue to focus on specialist perpetrator family violence services, then we will be a unique offering to any funder: an attractive investment and an enabler of safe families and communities.

If you’d like to read our Strategic Plan 2020-25, you can find it here.


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